Bookends For Bruce Radford

Our guest speaker for the second meeting in January was Bruce Radford, Town Manager for the Town Of Apex for past 14 years.  He was our guest speaker during his first week as Town Manager.  At that time Apex had a staff of 161 and when he left the post the count was 360 and… Read More »

Need a ride?

Tonight we had Carol House from Wheels4Hope as our guest speaker. Carol is the External Relations & Compliance Coordinator. At its core Wheels4Hope is a faith based organization that accepts donated vehicles and processes them with the intention to be able to donate them to local people who need transportation. Their slogan is “Turning Donated… Read More »

Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem

It is a tradition of the Apex Lions Club to invite a local pastor to be our guest speaker for the meeting prior to Christmas each year.  This year Lion Charles Livengood invited his pastor Dr. David Vess from Swift Creek Baptist Church.  The message was taken from Micah 5:2 which reads: “Bethlehem Ephrathah, you… Read More »

V.I.P. Fishing Tournament

Past District Governor Wayne Faber was our guest speaker this evening. He presented two of North Carolina Lions programs that he happens to chair for District 31-S this year. The second was on the V.I.P. Fishing Tournament. The project brings in 525 participants from across North Carolina for three days of recreation, fellowship, and independent living workshops… Read More »

Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina, Inc.

Past District Governor Wayne Faber was our guest speaker this evening.  He presented two of North Carolina Lions programs that he happens to chair for District 31-S this year.  The first was on the Boys & Girls Homes of North Carolina, Inc. Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina, Inc. is dedicated to providing a comprehensive array… Read More »

2015 Annual Banquet

Our annual banquet this year was full of fun and surprises.  We had another spectacular year at the NC State Fair raising a record $32,000!  Our special guest speaker was Past International Director Sid Scruggs.  This was a special treat since it was also his anniversary (but lucky for him he brought his wife and… Read More »

Mabopane Foundation

Our guest speaker this evening was Becky Young, Mabopane Foundation President. Becky first visited Mabopane, South Africa, in 1998 on a mission trip. There, she found two partnering shelters striving to serve poor and disadvantaged children and provide for their basic needs with little resources. Becky’s heart was touched by the many volunteers who gave… Read More »

Peek-A-Palooza 2015

We had an opportunity to use our new vision screening device for the second time this past weekend at Apex Peek-A-Palooza.  This time was a serious test for our “black out” canopy!  It was bright and sunny and the event was from 1-5 pm!  We are thrilled to report that it was another stunning success!… Read More »

Looking Good!

Last year we requested a grant from Lions International to assist us in purchasing a vision screening device or our own. That request got approved so we purchased a very cool piece of equipment! This device allows us to screen children as young as 6 months old! Unlike typical eye exams there are no eye… Read More »

Update From The Scouts

The Scout Master for Troop 209, Jason Kidd, was our guest speaker this evening. He brought great news of a thriving and growing Troop 209 and the same regarding Pack 312 – both of which are sponsored by the Apex Lions Club. The troop has 30 new scouts this year and 35 registered adult leaders serving… Read More »