Eye Screenings At Green Level Baptist Church

By | February 10, 2017

The screening team at Green Level Baptist ChurchOn Saturday, January 1st, 2017 the Apex Lions Club preformed Eye Screens in conjunction with the Dental Bus offered by Green Level Baptist Church. The eye Screens were offered from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. The Apex Lions Club performed about 55 eye screens approximately 12 of which were children. Of the 55 screens approximately 8 of them came back with results that showed there could be some issues with their vision. All participants were very grateful for the service especially the participants where vision problems appeared. We had 5 total volunteers from the Apex Lions Club; Lion Horace, Lion LeeAnn, Lion Chip, Lion Dave and Lion Jolene. Thanks to everyone who came out and helped with the Eye Screen and we look forward to more eye screen opportunities in the future.

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