Apex Lions Provide Oklahoma Disaster Relief

  Apex Lions Club responded quickly to provide disaster relief and contacted the local Lions Club in Norman OK, about 5 miles South of the storm’s path. Horace Johnson who coordinated this effort said “The Norman Lions Club has an active program to assist in such tragedies. “ Lions working with Lions to serve others… Read More »

Redistricting Discussion

Well, we had a very short meeting this evening.  Our scheduled speaker was unable to attend so our own Past District Governor Lion Wayne Faber spoke with us about the plans that are being presented this year for redistricting the state.  The unfortunate situation that we find ourselves in is that most of our current… Read More »

Family Night 2013

  The first meeting in May was our annual Family Night and what a great turn out we had. Over 40 Lions and family members showed up for a great meeting. Cloudy, cold and dreary weather did not deter people from attending. The Faber family won the prize with the most family members present with… Read More »

A New Chief In Town

Well, truth be told he was new to Apex back in December, but this is the first time the Apex Lions Club had him as a speaker and got to know him a little.  Chief John Letteney is currently the Chief of Police for the Town of Apex which has approximately 80 sworn and civil… Read More »

Feeding The World

Our speaker this evening was Elizabeth Eastep.  She is from the National Collegiate Agriculture Ambassadors and is also a student of the North Carolina State University.  It was one of the most informative and detaile presentations we have had in quite some time.  The meeting started with some signs on the wall which had very… Read More »

How good was that?

Thanks again Apex for a really great Fish Fry this year.  The weather was perfect and so was the food.  We had a great time serving you and from what we heard and saw – we think you enjoyed it as well.  It will take a little time to crunch the numbers and see just… Read More »

Hungry? Fish Fry 2013

  The Apex Lions Club annual Fish Fry in March is well known in the Apex Community.  For over 25 years people have gathered at the CC Jones Building on Holleman Street to enjoy Fried Fish, hush puppies, cole slaw and boiled potatoes prepared by the Apex Lions. From 11 am until 7:00 pm you… Read More »

NC Lions Support Clinical Eye Research

  Our special guest speaker this evening was Lion Diane Willingham from the Wake Forest Lions Club. Lion Diane is also the district 31-G representative for Clinical Eye Research. As we get older we face many physical changes. One of the things that typically changes is the health of our eyes. Many of the lions… Read More »

For The Good Of Lionism

  Our guest speaker tonight was Past District Governor Wayne McGowan.  We were expecting current District Governor Peggy McGowan, but she was not feeling well so her husband was sent in her place.  Wayne presented the message that Peggy has been taking to the clubs for the most part with just a little ad-libbing.  Lion… Read More »

Somewhere To Belong

This evening’s program featured Apex Police Department’s Captain Jacques Gilbert. However, he was not representing the Apex Police Department with this presentation. Rather, he was sharing a need that he sees as he pursues his passion of working with youth in Apex. Captain Gilbert has worked with local youth for many years and he has… Read More »