2014 Scholarships and Installation

By | June 6, 2014

2014 Scholars_250What a great night! We presented 4 outstanding students with scholarships tonight. Three were from Apex High School and one from Panther Creek High School. Pictured here are Lion President Bekki Bennett, Sneha Venkatraman who will be attending UNC Chapel Hill for Business, Rachel Abramczyk who will be attending NCSU for Business, Kathryn Layne Smith who will be attending UNC Wilmington for Business/Marketing and Olivia Williams who will be attending NCSU for Biological Science. We wish them the best of luck with their new adventures!

Our Secretary, Lion Nick talked about the club’s service projects this past year and donations made to various local charities. We learned the Apex Lions Club has been honored as a Club of Excellence by Lions Club International, the only one in the district!

Lion Horace also announced the Apex Lions donated $2100 from this year’s annual Fish Fry to an Apex Veteran in need of a new roof. American Legion Post 124 also donated $1,100 to this Apex Veteran in need. The roof has already been repaired and was completely funded by these two gifts.

LyndeInstall 250We wrapped up our meeting with the installation of new officers. Past District Governor Lion Andy from the Fuquay Varina club conducted the ceremony. The new board members are: President Lion John Lynde (pictured receiving the gavel from PDG Andy), Secretary Lion Nick Somma, Treasurer Lion Greg Monteleone, 1st VP Lion Chris Norcross, 2nd VP Lion Sid Harrell, 3rd VP Lion Tony Gravanda, Lion Tamers Lion David Lawrence and Lion Doug Brann, Tail Twister Lion John Potts, Directors Lion Bill Booth, Lion Carl Cromwell, Lion Joe’l Lynde and Lion Charles Livengood, Membership Chair Lion Horace Johnson, Newsletter Chair Lion Joe’l Lynde and Immediate Past President Lion Bekki Bennett.

This should be a very exciting year!

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