Are You Curious To Know What We Do?

This meeting was primarily geared towards the members of the Apex Chamber of Commerce. We did this specifically because the origins of the Apex Lions Club are with local business people. Back in 1937 there were 31 Apex businessmen who decided that they wanted to give back to the community. They decided to start a… Read More »

Apex Lions Club Community to Join and Make a Difference

The Apex Lions Club is seeking civic-minded men and women to join them in making a difference in the community. The club is hosting information sessions in September for people who want to learn more about the club and its work.  Our club gives members an opportunity to advance worthy causes, serve with friends, and… Read More »

Apex Lions Fair Booth

  The days are getting shorter, the air a bit cooler and the trees are starting to show their colors; time to start planning for the State Fair. For the Apex Lions club the fall brings to life a great tradition of team work and community service. 2013 marks our 70th year serving food at… Read More »

Welcome Guests and Apex EMS Chief

  In the first of our meetings this month we had over a dozen guests visit the club to learn a little bit more about what we are all about. We also had a couple of Lions from Cary prowl this evening. Lion Horace shared some of the history of the International Association Of Lions… Read More »

Bike MS

Lion Sid brought a good friend to speak with us this evening about Bike MS.  Tom Andrews is an attorney who has been riding in this event for many years.  He has a passion for it because his sister actually died from MS and another relative has been affected as well.  Multiple sclerosis (MS) is… Read More »

Running The Race

This month we had the pleasure to present checks to both the Apex High School Cougar Club and to the coach of the Track team.  For many years the Apex Lions Club has sponsored a track meet at Apex High School to benefit the school.  Schools from all over the state bring their teams and… Read More »

You’re Invited!

We have an open invitation to anyone who wants to know more about Lions or wishes to join our club. We meet on the first and third Thursdays 6:30 pm at the CC Jones Building at 309 Holleman St in Apex. A full dinner is served at every meeting and the dress is business casual.… Read More »

Surveying The Members

At the first meeting of the new club year, newly installed president Lion Bekki Bennett discusses objectives for the upcoming year as the members fill out a survey! A survey to help us determine what is going well and what could use some improvement was handed out and we all had the opportunity to provide… Read More »

2013 Scholarships & Installation

We had a very busy meeting this evening.  First we got a summary of this years activities.  Our club contributed more than $8,000 to help the visually impaired, more than $11,000 for community related assistance, more than 4,000 hours of community service and 24 people were served by the vision van this year.  That’s pretty… Read More »

2013 Fish Fry Beneficiaries

Two of the three beneficiaries of this years Fish Fry were in attandance this evening to share some information with us about what they have been doing.  First we had a very thorough presentation from Pack 312 assistant Cub Master Chris Decker.  He shared with us the current state of the pack as well as… Read More »