Fun At The Water Park!

On June 16, 2015, twenty-three GMS Summer Session Students attended Emerald Pointe’s Water Park, the largest water park in the Carolinas.  The students had a great time.  Some of them had never been before and some were bragging to other students that they had gone last year (with GMS).  The variety of slides were excellent… Read More »

District 31G Final Awards Banquet

It was a bitter sweet Awards Banquet this year. For the first time since 1959 it was not an Awards “and Installation” Banquet because the district is finished this year. Next year, with the new redistricting, most of District 31G will go to District 31S and some will go to Districts 31O and 31N. Another one… Read More »

The Advocate

This evenings special guest speaker was Lion George Culp. Lion George brought his wife Diane with him on the two hour trip from Concord to speak to us. He has been a Lion since 1970 and is currently serving in several key roles in Lionism. He is the Brighter Visions Chair for District 31E and… Read More »

2015-2016 Installation Banquet

What an exciting night we had!  The first order of business was to present this year’s scholarship recipient with her check for $1500.  Coral Kazaroff, as student at Apex High School, finished 3rd in her class academically, but is a tremendously well-rounded individual.  She also played Volleyball on the varsity team and has quite a… Read More »

Camp Dogwood sends Thanks!

We got a nice “Thank You” email from Camp Dogwood for the Life Vests we purchased for them earlier this year.  They sent this picture of some campers using them as well.

GMS Water Park Challenge

Last year the Apex Lions Club sponsored a day at Emerald Pointe Water Park for the students and staff (referenced here). It was a tremendous success and they would like to do it again this year. Last year we contributed the full $1500. This year we would like to expand support and bring other clubs… Read More »

Some Apex History

Our special guest speaker at our meeting on May 21st was “Toby” Holleman.  Toby and his brother Warren are co-authors of a book about the history of the Town of Apex called Pluck, Perseverance and Paint.  Toby was introduced by his childhood friend, and member of our club, Lion Hamilton Martin.  The book’s title is… Read More »

Honoring Veterans On Memorial Day

Apex Cemetery Memorial Day Flag Placement Ceremony: Some years back an Eagle Scout, Zack Hinnis, from Troop 209 chose to identify Veterans buried in the Apex Cemetery on Church Street as his Eagle Project. Little did Scout Zack know that he was establishing what would become an annual Tradition for the Troop. After the Scout… Read More »

Helping Habitat For Humanity

On Saturday, May 9th, some of the Apex Lions volunteered at the Habitat For Humanity project in Apex. There were a total of 11 people associated with the club there. Nine of us were members and two were family and friends. We parked at the Sovereign Grace church parking lot just off Hwy 55 near… Read More »

2015 Family Night Picnic

On Thursday, May 7th, we had our annual family night picnic.  This is a time where we bring spouses (if they are not also Lions), children and sometimes even grandchildren to enjoy some hot dogs, hamburgers, and a little time with the rest of our Lions family.  It’s kind of our way of saying “Thanks… Read More »