Zebulon Lions Consider New Tech

President Pat Leonard of the Zebulon Lions club invited Apex Lion John Lynde, District 31-S IT Committee Chair to present a program this evening. Unlike most of the other District Chair positions, the IT Committee Chair is not often requested for programs. Most likely that is because technology is a topic that does not interest… Read More »

Peakfest 2016

Although the weather had been bad earlier in the week (including for our Family night on Thursday) it certainly improved in time for Peakfest 2016!  It was a gorgeous day – not too hot, not too cold and very sunny and bright!  And Salem Street in Apex was full of people enjoying that weather! We… Read More »

2016 Family Night

Well, the weather did not participate this year for our annual picnic at Kelly Road Park.  So we had to move the event indoors.  Thankfully, we never cancel our regular reservation for the CC Jones building so that is available as a backup plan.  This hear, we needed it! Even though we did not get to… Read More »


Stacey Sears, owner of Hollands Jewelers in Apex was our guest speaker this evening.  Stacey and his wife Ginny are both natives of Apex and he remembers going to Hollands Jewlers as a child.  Mr. Holland called him while he was studying at Campbell University and asked him if he would be interested in working… Read More »

Camp Dogwood – 2016

Lion Wayne Faber (left) and Lion Barbara Faber (right) present a check to Susan King (center).  Susan is the Director at Camp Dogwood.  The Apex Lions Club donated an additional $1,000 this hear to purchase a patio table and chairs set for the Camp Snack Bar and the Reception Center which will be used by… Read More »

Heating Up!

The guest speaker for our first meeting in April was the relatively new Apex Fire Chief Keith McGee.  I lost my notes from this meeting so I am writing this purely from memory!  I believe he said he had been hired last October or November if memory serves me correctly.  He replaces long time and well… Read More »

Meaningful Membership

Our guest speaker for this evening was Lion Ed Burt who came to talk to us about membership. Lion Ed is a 31 year Lion who has held many district and local club offices and is currently serving a 3 year term as the Global Membership Team leader. Lion Ed started off by discussing a… Read More »

2016 Fish Fry is March 18th

For over 30 years, the Apex Lions Club has held a Fish Fry fund raiser to make Apex a Better place to live and raise our families.   It has been held at the CC Jones Building at 309 Holleman St on the Friday following the third Thursday from the beginning. In the early years, 1970’s… Read More »

Reflections Of Gratitude

Our guest speaker this evening was pastor Bill Hegedus. Bill is a “retired” pastor who retired from full-time ministry in 2013. But he has also learned that as long as he has breath in him his service to God is not truly complete. As an “experienced adult” he has begun to look back on his… Read More »

Wake Up Wake County

Our guest speaker for the evening was Jennifer Dean.  Jennifer was representing Wake Up Wake County and also Capital Area Friends of Transit.  Wake county is one of the fastest growing counties in the entire US.  We average adding 63 people every day.  And the population is expected to double by the year 2035.  Our… Read More »