2017 Apex Lions Relays

By | April 22, 2017

2017 Concession StandWay back in 1979 the Apex High School Track Team and the Apex Lions teamed up to create a fundraiser for the track team.  Ever since then the Apex Lions have been making this event possible by handling all of the behind the scenes work to make it  as successful as possible.  We handle all of the applications from the schools including the registration checks, buy the T-Shirts and Trophies, handle all of the financials and even run the concession stand for the event.  All of the proceeds from this are donated to the Apex High School Track Team directly.  This year there was a threat of rain but it held off until the very end when the last event was over and people were leaving.  And even then, it only rained for a few minutes before the sun was back out shining again.