Duke HomeCare & Hospice

At the Apex Senior Health Fair this year we met Diana Mitchell, MSW, from Duke Health. Diana is the Program Manager for Business Development for Duke Homecare & Hospice. She got her start in the industry in a round about way. She moved to New Orleans to start college after her father died suddenly in… Read More »

2016 Annual Banquet

Our club celebrated its 79th year at our annual banquet. We also like to use this banquet as a way of thanking the many people who are not Lions but who support us and help us throughout the year. So we had many scouts, parents and leaders as well as fair workers and volunteers, widows… Read More »

Office Scott James, Apex K-9 Unit

This evening’s speaker was Office Scott James of the Apex Police Department.  Scott became a policeman 10 years ago and worked for the Raleigh PD.  He attended a PeakFest event in Apex and really admired the town so he applied to the Apex PD and got hired about 5 years ago now.  Initially he worked… Read More »

2016 State Fair

Thanks to everyone who came out and supported us at the State Fair this year.  Although the numbers are not all in yet, we do believe we had another very good year.  We certainly had many volunteers, not just our own Lions but also support from the Boy Scouts of Troop 209, CAPA, and the… Read More »

Eye Shine Foundation

Our second speaker this evening was Kim Hudson from the Eye Shine Foundation.  Kim’s life mission has been to help the visually impaired and professionally she is a teacher of VIPs (Accelerated Mobility Training).  The Eye Shine Foundation  is a non-profit organization which Kim recently formed.  This provides her the opportunity to assist with recreational… Read More »

Leader Dog Program 2016

This evening we had not one but two guest speakers.  The first was Lion Bill Graham from the North Raleigh Lions Club who presented the Leader Dog Program.  Lion Bill is himself a visually impaired person (what we like to call a V.I.P.) so his wife (Lion Dale) drove him to the meeting.  The Leader… Read More »

Apex Night Out – 2016

The evening started out a little windy and we had some trouble getting the tent to stay put!  But once we opened up we had a pretty steady stream of patients.  In fact we had our busiest event yet where we provided a total of 138 vision screenings and made 22 referrals.  And we did… Read More »

Ambers Aspirations

This evening’s speaker was Amanda Lunn, mother of Amber Lunn. Amber is a brave young 5 year old girl who is currently in Pre-Kindergarten. She is also dealing with some very serious eye issues. Amanda described their journey and how they have dealt with this situation so far. It started when Amber was about 2… Read More »

2016 Apex Senior Health Fair

The Apex Lions Club was proud to participate in this years Apex Senior Health Fair (link).  We provided free vision screenings with our SPOT Vision Screener to everyone who wanted one.  In addition we had a table setup to share information about our club and lionism in general and we donated a Lions Club coffee… Read More »

Apex Lions Helping Flood Victims in LA

The Apex Lions Club stepped up to help flood victims in and around the Baton Rouge, LA area much like we did a few years ago when we helped the tornado victims in Norman Oklahoma. The unexpected flooding which resulted from a storm that just stayed stationary over a particular area for an extended period… Read More »