Special Teamwork

One of the scouts in the troop we sponsor (Troop 209) is a big part of a very special team. He is a middle school student and has an interest in robotics. So he formed a team with students from several other middle schools in the area and entered the team for competition in the… Read More »

Fish Fry 2015

The Apex Lions Club had another very successful Fish Fry this year. We would like to thank everyone who helped us with this year’s event. We had volunteers from the Citizens Assisting Police in Apex (CAPA), Boy Scouts and some parents form Troop 209, some of our Leo Club members and others. We could not… Read More »

The Fish Fry Is Coming!

The Fish Fry is coming!  Mmmmmm.  It’s almost time.  Friday, March 20, 2015 at the CC Jones building in Apex!  More information is available here.  Click on the picture to the left or the Fish Fry link under Fundraisers in the menu above.

Brighter Visions 2015

Tonight we had our annual joint meeting with the Fuquay Varina Lions and also had 2nd VDG Barbara Beltran visit to give us a presentation on the Brighter Visions program. She also brought DG Ron Beltran along so we asked him if he would like to introduce her as the speaker and also gave him… Read More »

Feb 19 Meeting Canceled

Sorry but the meeting has been canceled for this evening due to inclement weather.  Stay warm and stay safe!  

Triple Treat

Past District Governer Gene English was our guest this evening and he provided us with a triple treat! First he installed a new member, Lion James Watson. Then he installed a new 3rd Vice President, Lion Jolene Umbenhauer. Finally, he provided us with a program on the Boys & Girls Home of North Carolina. The… Read More »

2015 Mid-Winter Convention

The 2015 Mid-Winter Convention is now complete. It was bittersweet in that it was a good convention but, sadly, it was the last such convention for District 31-G.  That’s because we will be redistricting next year and will be a part of new District 31-S going forward. On the bright side, we are going to… Read More »


Why do people become Lions?  And, what exactly do Lions do?  Those are some questions that we have probably wondered ourselves at one time or have heard when someone found out that we were a member of a Lions club. We had a very interesting and inspiring meeting this evening and the subjects of the speakers came… Read More »

Christmas Story 2014

We usually invite a pastor from a local church to our last meeting of the year to share the Christmas story with us as a reminder of the hope we have in Jesus.  This year, Lion Larry Jordan invited Jenny Wilson from Apex United Methodist church.  Unfortunately, she came down with the flu and was unable… Read More »


The theme of this evenings meeting seemed to be growth. Both in terms of membership to our club as well as regarding traffic in the area. The first order of business was to install two new members into our club. Past District Governor Wayne Faber performed the installation ceremony for new Lions Bill Lemon and… Read More »