What is Lionism all about?

As our Membership Chair, Lion Horace Johnson lead our meeting this past week. He began by discussing preparations for the NC State Fair booth which is quite appropriate since our number one priority as Lions is Service! We have a work day scheduled for Saturday, October 3rd and need several able bodied Lions to come… Read More »

Captain Jacques Gilbert Honored Nationally

Apex Police Captain Jacques Gilbert was honored by the White House in a program called Champions Of Change.  You can read about Captain Gilbert’s role in the story of how the Apex Skate Plaza came to be on that page.  The Apex Lions Club is a proud sponsor of the Apex Skate Plaza.  We donated a… Read More »

Teacher Training

Laura Levine, a teacher at Apex High School was our guest speaker on September 3rd.  Laura is a theater teacher and has a special interest in assisting the blind and visually impaired.  A few weeks ago she had an opportunity to take some training on Audio Description.  Audio Description (AD) is a narration service for individuals… Read More »

Apex Director of Senior Programs

Our guest speaker for the evening was Allie Prelaske, Director of Senior Programs for the Town of Apex.  Allie has only lived in Apex for a few months, having moved here from Chicago, but has already made an impact on our senior community.  Lion Tom Carter invited Allie to speak to us this evening and… Read More »

Fun Night Of Surprises!

We had a fun night at the meeting tonight!  First, we finally got the vision screening device that we ordered a few months ago with the help of a grant from North Carolina Lions, Inc.  We also got a thank you card from the Apex Skate Park for being a Bronze level sponsor and Lion… Read More »

Potential Poultry Problems?

This evening our guest speaker was Dr. Doug Meckes who brought us a very interesting presentation about potential poultry problems in the world.  The price of eggs has already been affected and there is some concern that there may be even bigger problems in the near future.  Doug is a native of Alabama and a… Read More »

Fish Fry Beneficiaries

In our first meeting of the new year, and Lion Chris Norcross first meeting as president, we had the opportunity to present checks to our Fish Fry beneficiaries from March. First up were John Brown and Jacques Gilbert representing Citizens for Apex Parks. John Brown is the directory of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources for… Read More »

Fun At The Water Park!

On June 16, 2015, twenty-three GMS Summer Session Students attended Emerald Pointe’s Water Park, the largest water park in the Carolinas.  The students had a great time.  Some of them had never been before and some were bragging to other students that they had gone last year (with GMS).  The variety of slides were excellent… Read More »

District 31G Final Awards Banquet

It was a bitter sweet Awards Banquet this year. For the first time since 1959 it was not an Awards “and Installation” Banquet because the district is finished this year. Next year, with the new redistricting, most of District 31G will go to District 31S and some will go to Districts 31O and 31N. Another one… Read More »

The Advocate

This evenings special guest speaker was Lion George Culp. Lion George brought his wife Diane with him on the two hour trip from Concord to speak to us. He has been a Lion since 1970 and is currently serving in several key roles in Lionism. He is the Brighter Visions Chair for District 31E and… Read More »