Lions Everywhere!

Every year the Apex Lions Club hosts a joint meeting with the Fuquay-Varina Lions Club because we sponsored them many (over 75, actually) years ago. This past year we also sponsored the Wake Southwest Centennial (Holly Springs) Lions Club as well. So we invited them to the joint meeting, too. And we were “prowled” by… Read More »

Fish Fry – March 16, 2018

The Apex Lions Clubs annual Fish Fry will be held on March 16 this year.  The C C Jones building located at 309 Holleman Street in downtown Apex provides a great site for our annual fund raising event. Serving will be from 11:00 am until 7:00 PM. You can come in sit down to enjoy… Read More »

Blue Lights College

Last month we missed both of our regular meetings due to snow.  This month we made up for lost time! We began our meeting by installing a new member.  Lion Kathy Faber is the daughter of Lion Barbara Faber, Lion Gil Faber (deceased) and sister of Past District Governor Wayne Faber who had the honor… Read More »

Deja Vu All Over Again

For the second time this month we have to cancel our meeting due to snow!  Hopefully we will be able to meet on the first Thursday in February!!  Stay safe and warm between now and then.  

No Meeting Tonight!

Well, it does not take much snow to wreak havoc around this part of the country!  But with bitter cold temperatures and snow all over the roads, we have decided to cancel the meeting for this evening.  Please keep warm and rest up for next meeting!  

2017 Christmas Message

As has been our tradition for many years, this evening’s speaker brought a Christmas message. Pastor John Mark Harrison, lead pastor at Apex Baptist Church shared the story of Mary’s Song of Praise from the gospel of Luke.  Mary in her song of praise expressed how she was humbled that God would use someone like her… Read More »

80th Anniversary Banquet

This year represents our 80th anniversary.  It was 1937 when we were sponsored by the Sanford Lions Club and our charter was established in Apex.  For our special celebration we were visited by District Governor Steve McLaurin and Past International Director Lacy Presnell.  District Governor Steve opened our meeting and gave us a great amount… Read More »

Leos Roadside Cleanup

On Thursday November 2nd the Panther Creek Leo Club did a road side clean up project.  The club does this project 4 times a year. The area assigned is on McCrimmon Parkway in Cary within walking distance of the school.  Pictured here are some of the Leos cleaning up McCrimmon Parkway.

2017 Peace Poster Contest

This year we brought back the Peace Poster contest.  Lion Joe’l Lynde contacted Thales Academy and was able to find an Art teacher there that was excited about having her students participate.  The theme this year is: “The Future of Peace”.  Pictured below are the first runner up and the winner of our club contest. … Read More »

New Member Installation

We are excited to welcome our newest member – Lion Greg McGrew.  Greg is a leader in Boy Scout Troop 209 and will be our new scout liaison.  Greg is an attorney by trade and works in corporate mergers and acquisitions.  Welcome Lion Greg!