Boys & Girls Homes of North Carolina

You may not know this but Lions all over North Carolina support the Boys & Girls Homes of North Carolina. Some portion of every members dues goes to support this wonderful organization. And many clubs and individuals give above and beyond that because of the impact that this organization can have in people’s lives. This… Read More »

Apex Lions Club Presents $2,000 Check to Canine Program

  The Apex Police Department held its annual awards ceremony on May 17, 2018. During the awards ceremony Lion Horace Johnson presented the Department’s Canine program with a check for $2,000 which was raised during the Apex Lion’s Club annual Fish Fry. The funds will be used for bullet proof vests for both Rocky and… Read More »

Free Vision Screenings at Latino Festival

The Apex Lions Club teamed up with our newly sponsored Wake Southwest Centennial Lions Club friends from Holly Springs to do free vision screenings at the Latino Festival in Cary, NC on Saturday April 12th.  It was a very hot day and the sun was beating down on us the entire time.  But we still… Read More »

2018 Peakfest

Saturday May 5 was a beautiful spring day for Lions to be serving their community. Eleven Lions and a Lions “helper” participated in the annual Apex Peakfest to perform vision screenings, provide information for recycling used eyeglasses, discuss what Lions do, sell Lion brooms and recruit new members. While we were a bit disappointed that… Read More »

2018 North Carolina Lions State Convention

This year the North Carolina Lions State Convention was held in Greensboro at the Airport Marriott. The special guest was Immediate Past International President Chancellor Bob Corlew. He is currently the Chairperson for Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) which is the financial support organization that works with Lions Clubs International. Lions Club International Foundation was… Read More »

2018 Apex Lions / Apex High School Relays

What a great day working the Apex Lions Relays. The Apex Lions Club partnered with Apex High School back in 1979 to create the Relays for area schools to compete in. This year 44 schools from around the area participated. The teens we met were so polite and excited to be apart of the event!… Read More »

Apex Economic Development

Joanna Helms, Economic Development Director for the Town of Apex was our special guest speaker this evening.  Prior to being hired as the first Economic Development Director in Apex Joanna spent 21 years doing the job in Goldsboro.  But since she grew up in Apex and even attended Apex High School she was ready to… Read More »

Donation To Camp Dogwood

This years Fish Fry proceeds were allocated in part to Camp Dogwood.  Camp Dogwood is a camp for the blind on Lake Norman which is owned and operated by North Carolina Lions, Inc.  Lions and clubs from all across North Carolina contribute to maintain this amazing facility and service for the blind. Thanks to the… Read More »

Western Wake Crisis Ministry Update

This evening we were blessed with a follow-up visit by Beth Bordeaux, Executive Director of Western Wake Crisis Ministry.  This year is the 35th anniversary for WWCM and in July Beth will celebrate her first year on staff.  About a year before Beth was brought in the board of directors met and re-wrote the mission… Read More »

Eye Screenings at the Apex Senior Health Fair 2018

Once again this year the Apex Lions Club provided free eye screenings at the Apex Senior Health Fair.  We were so busy we did not have time to take pictures.  All told, we did a total of 59 screenings in a three hour period.  Many thanks to the members who participated and volunteered their time!