Apex Economic Development 2021

Secretary Lion John Lynde announced the approval of membership applications for two new members, Caroline Renaux and Jessica Pitman. The two new Lions received their induction ceremony from Past District Governor Wayne Faber were installed at the meeting. Lion Caroline was introduced at a previous meeting. Lion Jessica is a CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist)… Read More »

Apex Community Policing & Crime Prevention

This week our guest speakers were Officer Kenneth Ragland and Officer Victoria Carter from the Apex Police Department. They are partners and are tasked with Community Policing and Crime Prevention programs. We learned some of the history behind policing in general as well as the philosophy that is applied to make policing (specifically local community… Read More »

Apex Updated

Our Apex Lions Club continues to meet virtually since the CC Jones Building is still not available to us due to Covid-19 restrictions. Even though it is difficult and not quite as personal we still continue to strive to do the work of Lions! This evening we had as our speaker the Mayor of Apex,… Read More »

UNC Children’s Cancer Patients Donations

We would like to thank everyone in Apex who helped by making donations to this effort! As part of the Helping Children with Cancer campaign, members of the Apex Lions Club collected approximately $500 worth of toys, pajamas, and toiletries. On Friday, December 18 Lion Lynn Tucker delivered the donation items to UNC Children’s Hospital in Chapel… Read More »

2020 Christmas Message

As is our custom every December for our final regular meeting of the year we invite a local pastor to bring us a Christmas message. This year our guest was pastor Laura Johnson from Apex Methodist Church. This year was like no other given the global pandemic of COVID-19 and all of the other unrest… Read More »

Secrets Of A Ghost Writer

Our guest at our Zoom meeting this evening was Amy Iori. Amy is an author for Suburban Living Magazine and recently published a story on the Apex Lions Club in that same publication. But Amy is also a “ghost writer”. We were curious to know what exactly a ghost writer is and does so we… Read More »

Suburban Living Magazine

The latest issue of Suburban Living Magazine for Apex features an article about the Apex Lions Club. Here is a link to their coverage. APEX LIONS: Loving Individuals Offering Needed Services By Amy Iori

Still Growing

In the past month or so we have added 5 new members to our club. Even though Covid-19 has temporarily shut many things down – including our ability to meet in person like we used to we have still managed to find some new members to join us! And thanks to our partnership with Western… Read More »

Covid Relief!

Today we helped Western Wake Crisis Ministry distribute food to families impacted by Covid! In fact, for the past several months we have been partnering with Western Wake Crisis Ministry to do mass food distributions to those in need. We rent a freezer truck and provide volunteers to prepare bags of non-perishables on Friday. Then… Read More »

A Global Force For The Good Of Humanity

Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) is the 501c3 charitable arm of Lions Clubs International (LCI). There are more than 1.4 Million Lions in literally thousands of local Lions Clubs spread across 200 countries around the globe. All of those clubs send some portion of the funds they raise each year to this International Foundation so… Read More »