
By | July 7, 2022

Speaking with us tonight was our own Apex Lion, Paul Dean.  Paul, who is also an Assistant Scoutmaster at Apex Troop 209, provided an exciting and informative overview of BSA’s Philmont Scout Ranch – The Crown Jewel of High Adventure Bases. We learned that over 1,000,000 scouts from all over the world have visited this high adventure base. Over the period of 12 days, scouts backpack into a 140,000-acre 12-day wilderness. During that time, they experience and participate in activities such as rock climbing, shooting sports, horseback riding and living history, all of which help them develop life and leadership skills. Those that attend, learn more about themselves and become better prepared for life and the challenges that lie ahead. Your Apex Lions club is a proud sponsor of Apex Troop 209.

We also had the honor of presenting a 50 year chevron to Lion Bill Booth. That’s quite an achievement. Lion Bill is a model Lion and has been for a very very long time. Congratulations and Thanks!

And we also presented our treasurer Lion Richard Hall with a “100% Treasurer” pin for meeting all of the qualifications this past club year. Congratulations Richard and keep up the great work!