2022-2023 Board of Directors Installation

By | June 16, 2022

At our annual Board of Directors Installation meeting we had Past District Governor Wayne English back again to do the honors and performing the installation ceremony. This time he brought his bride new Lion Gloria English with him as well.

Outgoing President Lion Carl Cromwell gave a heartwarming and thankful farewell address in which he gave everyone praise for our activities during and as we exited the Covid days. Even through these difficult times we still found ways to serve the Apex community which is, after all, our mission.

Although several Lions were named specifically for things they had done this past year, Carl had one special award to present at the end of the list. He had a special plaque made up for the “President’s Award” for Lion Joe’l Lynde for all of the work that she does behind the scenes that is often not recognized. In Carl’s words: “she has her paws in almost everything we do!”. Congratulations Lion Joe’l!

Then Lion Carl handed the gavel to incoming President Lion Dave Delehanty. Lion Dave is excited to start his year off and is grateful or the quality and experience of the Board of Directors that we have in Apex! We are all looking forward to another very good year!