2022 Scholarships

By | June 2, 2022

This evening we presented two T.B. Holland Memorial scholarships. The first went to Jacob Page. Jacob is graduating from Apex High School and attending Appalachian State University in the fall. His major is Supply Chain Management, and he wants to get his master’s also.

The next scholarship went to Tyler Hartman. Tyler is graduating from Apex Friendship High School and attending UNC Wilmington. His major is Business Management with a minor in history.

Unfortunately, our scheduled speaker had to cancel due to illness. So, we improvised and created our own program of “Lion Moments”. Lion Chip started us off by reading the speech Helen Keller gave in 1925 at the International Lions Convention. That was when she asked the Lions to help by being Knights for the Blind. The American Foundation for the Blind was formed in 1921. Afterwards, several members offered to share their “Lion Moment”.

For Paul it was the time at Christmas when a small girl received a prosthetic eye which our club purchased for her.

For Wayne it is spending time with children and the blind at the V.I.P Fishing Tournament.

For Pat it was the Christmas in July event that her first club did and collecting food and presents for those in need.

For Horace it is memories of the State Fair when the kids from Governor Morehead School for the Blind come and get their free meal. One time they wrote notes of thanks in braille and he still has them today.

For Barbara it was when she was helping with a blind woman when she caught a fish, and she felt every inch of that fish.

For John it was our very first vision screening for kids where we caught “lazy eye” in two twing girls. Their mom came to our next fish fry and thanked us as the girls were wearing glasses but wouldn’t have to for an extended period.

Finally, for Carl it was his childhood. He had two uncles who were blind and sewed the brooms together. He emphasized we need to tell our story so more people will want to join and serve, we also need to investigate speaking at other organizations to share what we do.

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