2022 Apex Community Fish Fry

Apex Lions joined forces with CAPA (Citizens Assisting Police of Apex) to host the Apex Annual Fish Fry. This is a long standing event to raise funds to go back into the community of Apex. That tradition will continue. Both the Lions and CAPA strive to make Apex A Better Place to Live. The Community… Read More »

New Year – New Members!

We had the pleasure of welcoming three new members into the Apex Lions club this evening. Roy Millar has been with us for a couple of months and has been actively attending meetings since he joined us. Roy is sponsored by Paul Dean. Next we had Sharon Hall join us. She is the wife of… Read More »

Letters From The Kids

Every year for as long as any of us can remember we have invited the kids from the Governor Morehead School for the Blind to visit our food booth at the NC State Fair for a meal on us. That is just one way we support the blind and visually impaired in our communities as… Read More »

Gifts for UNC Children’s Pediatric Clinic

We had been collecting gifts for the children at UNC Pediatric Clinic in Raleigh. We delivered the donations today to the pediatric manager.  They were very thankful and appreciative of these gifts for the kids! We hope this can make them smile and know they are loved and not forgotten on Christmas!

2021 Christmas Message

This evening our special guest speaker was Pastor Jon Utley from Pleasant Plains Baptist Church in Apex. He delivered a very encouraging Christmas message that was linked to our Lions Motto: “We Serve!” Interestingly enough, he did some research on our organization in preparation and presented us with a question that actually stumped us. I… Read More »

Lions Karaoke Night

Well, it wasn’t exactly how we planned it. But our speaker for the meeting this evening canceled at the last minute and we were unable to find a replacement. So our song leader Lion Chip Pierce stepped in and shared some holiday spirit by bringing his Karaoke system to the meeting. After our Tail Twister… Read More »

2021 Annual Banquet

We had so much to celebrate again this year! To begin with this is our 84th anniversary! And we made it a good one with lots of service activity this past year despite the challenges we all faced. One big thing we did since the COVID shutdown was to team up with Western Wake Crisis… Read More »

A Little Forestry

This evening we had our very own Apex Lion Paul Dean for our speaker! Paul, who is a semi-retired consulting forester, provided a presentation on the role our global forest plays in the carbon dioxide cycle. With all the discussion about global warming and climate change, Paul provided a simplified description of how the high… Read More »

COVID-19 Vaccines

This evening our guest speaker was Taylor Reid, a microbiologist with a company not to be named because she was not representing her company or her clients but was just providing information based on her background as a microbiologist. She is originally from Oregon and has been working as a microbiologist for 5 years. She… Read More »

2021 State Fair Update

The 2021 State Fair Is ON! It appears we will have a State Fair and the Lions are ready. So many of our supporters have been asking if we will be there… OH YES. We have been there since 1943, how can they have a fair with the Apex Lions. We are not sure of… Read More »