
Tonight our own Lion Paul Dean provided an informative presentation on the fun outdoor activity known as Geocaching. Geocaching is a type of global treasure hunt of people looking for caches, or hidden stashes of objects. Paul explained that there are hundreds of geocaches all around Apex and that finding them is a great way to get outside and look for them in… Read More »

Apex Economic Development Update

We got another update from Joanna Helms, Director of Economic Development for the Town of Apex this evening. She has been a guest speaker a few times before so it was good to have her back again for some new information. And she had plenty of new information to share! She started off by reminding… Read More »

Olive Chapel Elementary Assistance

After hearing of The Apex Limited Lions (ALL) members supplying snacks and supplies for the underprivileged students attending Salem Elementary School, one of our Board Members was contacted by Candice Lewis, Counselor, of Olive Chapel Elementary School inquiring if we would consider helping their students, too. Conversation started between the ALL group and Ms. Lewis.… Read More »

Apex Night Out 2022

We participated once again in the Apex Night Out event which was combined with the “Touch A Truck” event as well this year. As usual, we did free Vision Screenings. Although the event only lasted 2.5 hours we did a little over 30 free screenings and only made a handful of referrals.

Apex Lions at the NC State Fair

Back in the early 1940’s the Apex Lions were asked to set up a booth at the fair and provide food for the fair goers.  Well, that has not changed since 1943.  The club has been in the same location and has provided a wide range of food over the years.  Homemade buttermilk biscuits with… Read More »

New Member and Visit from the District Governor

Our distinguished guest this evening was current District Governor Allen Swaim. Our first order of business was to install our newest member Kevin Conroy. Pictured here are Lion Paul Dean (sponsor), Lion Kevin Conroy and DG Allen Swaim. DG Allen is a very good speaker and storyteller. This evening he did not disappoint. First he… Read More »

Salem Elementary Backpack Buddies

This past year members of the Apex Lions Club who have mobility issues and cannot do some of the projects of the club, such as the NC Fair Booth, started looking for new ways to serve our community. These members have become to be known as ALL, Apex Limited Lions. One of the many considerations… Read More »

Apex Lions Relays – Biggest Year So Far!

On Thursday, August 18th, 2022 the Apex Lions Club was proud to present a check for over $5,000 to the Apex High School Track Team. You may not know this but for the past 44 years the Apex Lions Club has been sponsoring and administering the Apex High School Relays. This is an event where… Read More »

2022 State of Apex – Mayor Jacques Gilbert

This evening our special guest speaker was Mayor Jacques Gilbert. He has presented at our club in the past and returned this evening to give us an update on many things going on in the town of Apex. He began by thanking the Apex Lions for our many years of community service to the Town… Read More »

North Carolina Reading Service

Our special guest speaker this evening was Janet Schanzenbach, Director of Development and Community Relations for North Carolina Reading Service.  Janet’s priorities include working with Senior Living facilities as well as increasing awareness about NCRS through public speaking engagements, social media, and special events.  She is also tasked with raising funds to support the mission… Read More »