It’s always good to have a visit from the District Governor. For our first meeting of the new year we had just that. DG Lorraine Dixon visited us in Apex and shared some of her thoughts and vision for this year.
Her focus is on vision and she shared her reasons why. Her Grand daughter was diagnosed as legally blind. Her husband Tommy joined Lions back when it was a men’s only organization. But when women were allowed to join she also became a Lion in 2002. Then her great grandson was born blind. After having several surgeries at Duke he is now able to see with glasses. Eventually, when he is a bit older, he will be able to get a new lens put on his eye and he will be able to see well enough to drive! So she is “all in” as a Lion and that is why she ran for District Governor as well.
She also took some time to thank the Apex Lions Club because the biggest donation that has come in so far for the cure blindness project was from our club. This was the money that we collected in the cooler at our State Fair booth in October. Our club matched every dollar and the total donation was $1,500.
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