Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Our special guest speaker this evening was Martina Moore-Reid who is a Community Accessibility Specialist with the Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing under the Department of Health and Human Services.  Martina has been in this role for more than 14 years providing advocacy, consultation, and training to agencies and individuals. … Read More »

Troop 209 Update

This evening our speaker was Byron Schaefer, Troop 209 Scout Master. Byron became Scout Master of Troop 209 in January succeeding Jeff Kidd. He provided us with an update of the state of the troop. Troop 209 is chartered by the Apex Lions Club so they provide updates annually to our membership as well. Currently… Read More »

North Carolina Lions Inc.

This evening we were visited by Past District Governor, Herb Justice.  He came from his club in North Raleigh to provide us with an update on the business of our state organization North Carolina Lions, Incorporated. His presentation started with some funny remarks about what life was like in the 1950s.  Then he provided a… Read More »

Giving Seniors A L.I.F.T.

For dessert this evening, thanks to the birthday of one of our members Lion Pat Nemmers (and her willingness to provide a very nice cake to share) we celebrated the birthdays and anniversaries of our members in the month of August. At tonight’s meeting our guest speaker was Joyce Loebsack, Joyce is a Geriatric Care… Read More »

District 31S Awards & Installation

On Saturday, July 28 at the Pilot Lions Club we celebrated the 2017-2018 club year with our awards banquet.  Immediate Past District Governor Steve McLaurin shared some of his experiences and thanked the team for all the hard work that was done this past year.  It was a very good year for our district in… Read More »

Can You Hear Me Now?

Our special guest speaker this evening was Shelby Jordan.  Shelby is the daughter of one of our newest members and the grand daughter of a long time member of our club.  Shelby shared her passion for an organization called the Starkey Hearing Foundation.  As a recent graduate of UNC Wilmington and a member of Delta… Read More »

2018 Officer Installations

Thursday, June 21st was Officer Installation night.  This is the meeting where the club officers for the upcoming year are properly installed with an official ceremony.  Our incoming president, Past District Governor Wayne Faber asked Past District Governor Sandy Scarlett from the Durham Lions Club to perform our installation ceremony and she graciously accepted and… Read More »

Insightful Visionaries

We had a very busy meeting this week.  The first order of business was to vote on the incoming slate of officers and directors.  The vote was unanimous and we plan to have our installation at our next meeting on June 21st. After that Lion Wayne read a thank you letter from the Apex Police… Read More »

Vision Screenings At Apex Friendship High School

On May 22, we had the opportunity to participate in the Apex Friendship High School Health Fair. The Apex Lions Club participated as a Vendor in this event with our Eye Screening Machine.  We enjoyed sharing about our club and what we do for our community! All in all 54 people had their eyes screened… Read More »

2018 Touch A Truck

For the third time this month the Apex Lions Club performed Free Vision Screenings.  This time at Apex Touch A Truck.  This is an event that brings all sorts of vehicles into one place where kids can climb on them, honk their horns, ask questions and see them up close.  They even flew in a… Read More »