2024 Relays Benefit Track Team

The coaching staff for the Apex High School Track team were invited to our meeting this evening. We presented the coaches with the proceeds from the Apex Lions Relays this past April. Since 1979 the Apex Lions have partnered with the Apex High School Track team to host the Apex Lions Relays. Over the years… Read More »

“Remarkably Unremarkable”

Former Secret Service Special Agent Dennis Schlindwein was our special guest speaker this eveining. He spoke mainly about his 25 year career as a special agent with the U.S. Secret Service.  Dennis was quite engaging and entertaining. He acknowledged that people often say that when they meet him in person they say things like “you… Read More »

Sound Advice: Preventing Hearing Loss

This evening we were honored to host Kelly Johnson and a team from WakeMed Health & Hospitals Audiology for an insightful presentation on hearing loss and prevention. This session was not just informative but also highly engaging, leaving our members with practical knowledge on how to protect one of our most vital senses—our hearing. Kelly… Read More »


We were thrilled to have Shawn Deaton speak at our last meeting where he shared his extensive knowledge and experience from his work at the Textile Protection and Comfort Center at North Carolina State University’s Wilson College of Textiles. Shawn began by reflecting on his personal connection to the community, thanking Kevin and others for… Read More »

Surprise Speaker

Sometimes “Life happens”, right? Well, for our meeting this evening there was some confusion and it resulted in there not being any speaker lined up. However, our new president, Lion Josue, had a guest. Right about now you might be thinking this is not going to end well. But it just so happened that the… Read More »

Tray Cromwell Benefit Presented

If you have been following the story you will know that we have been doing several things to help Tray Cromwell. Tray is the grandson of two of our members (Lions Carl and Linda Cromwell) and he was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). This year we dedicated our portion of the Fish Fry proceeds… Read More »

2024 Scholarships

The Apex Lions Club Scholarship committee awarded 4 Scholarships this year. We had the honor of having 3 of our recipients join us for our 6/20 meeting. Isabella Pease will graduate from Apex High School and will be attending NCSU. Service projects are a big part of what we look for in our recipients and… Read More »

2024-2025 Officer Installations

We are all set for the upcoming fiscal year of Lionism. The 2024-2025 Officers and Board of Directors were installed this evening by Past District Governor Wayne Faber. We have a lot of work to do so it is important that we start the year off running. Following tradition both outgoing president Lion Kathy Faber… Read More »

Leading Apex Chamber to New Heights

David Bohm is the Executive Director of the Apex Chamber of Commerce. He joined the Chamber in 2021 and has served as Executive Director for the past 1 ½ years. David’s background includes working as an attorney in Kansas and practicing law in New Bern, NC, for five years. He is married with children. About… Read More »

Suburban Living Magazine

Our speaker this evening was also our guest speaker in December of 2020. The topic and the venue were a bit different this time, though. Back then it was an online meeting and the topic was on Ghost Writing. But now Amy Iori is the Editor in Chief at Suburban Living Magazine. Amy is a… Read More »