Mayor’s Substance Misuse Task Force

Our special guest speaker this evening was Ben Barras. He was representing the Mayor’s Substance Misuse Task Force. And he has first-hand experience in the subject as a recovering alcoholic. So Ben shared some of his own personal story and shared some perspectives and information that many of us were not aware of. The statistics… Read More »


Speaking with us tonight was our own Apex Lion, Paul Dean.  Paul, who is also an Assistant Scoutmaster at Apex Troop 209, provided an exciting and informative overview of BSA’s Philmont Scout Ranch – The Crown Jewel of High Adventure Bases. We learned that over 1,000,000 scouts from all over the world have visited this… Read More »

Apex Lions Provide Snacks & Prizes

On June 21st, The Apex Limited Lions (ALL), made their first donation of snacks and achievement rewards to  the under privileged children attending Salem Elementary School.  The funds for these snacks were made from our Apex Lions Charitable Fund, a 501(c)3 tax deductible organization.  The snacks are given to children who don’t have money to… Read More »

2022-2023 Board of Directors Installation

At our annual Board of Directors Installation meeting we had Past District Governor Wayne English back again to do the honors and performing the installation ceremony. This time he brought his bride new Lion Gloria English with him as well. Outgoing President Lion Carl Cromwell gave a heartwarming and thankful farewell address in which he… Read More »

2022 Scholarships

This evening we presented two T.B. Holland Memorial scholarships. The first went to Jacob Page. Jacob is graduating from Apex High School and attending Appalachian State University in the fall. His major is Supply Chain Management, and he wants to get his master’s also. The next scholarship went to Tyler Hartman. Tyler is graduating from… Read More »

Camp Dogwood Tree Trimming Challenge

The trees at Camp Dogwood have grown and were starting to threaten some of the buildings and structures. The problem was that the absolute best estimate to get that work done was approximately $15,000 and only $5,000 had been raised. So the Apex Lions Club issued a challenge (something we have done in the past… Read More »

Peakfest 2022

Sometimes you just need to roll with the punches… We had intended to do free vision screenings at Peakfest this year like we have been doing to the past several years. But our vision screening device decided not to participate. So we will be getting that repaired as soon as we can so it is… Read More »

Order Online Now – Apex Community Fish Fry

The Apex Lions Club has joined forces with CAPA (Citizens Assisting Police of Apex) to host the Apex Community Fish Fry. This is a long standing event used to raise funds to go back into the community of Apex. After having missed the past 2 years that tradition will continue again in 2022. Both the… Read More »

Lions Pin Trading is HUGE!

At a previous meeting PDG Gene English mentioned his Pin Collection and it got the attention of a few of our members. So he offered to come back and do a special program to tell us all about it. It was amazing to hear him speak of his collection and the passion he has for… Read More »

2022 Apex Relays

The last time we were able to have the Apex Lions / Apex High School Relays was in 2019 and that was before the school was rebuilt. So we really did not know what to expect this year. As it turns out we believe it will be a very successful and profitable event for the… Read More »