Fish Fry 2024

By | February 6, 2024

The Apex Lions Annual Fish Fry is set for April 5, 2024.  The Fish Fry has been held for over 40 years by the Lions.  Apex Lions Club was chartered in 1937, making Lions the oldest Service organization in Apex.  With a focus on the sight-impaired, we also address numerous needs in our community, throughout our state, and around the world.  


Our club is proud to support Boy Scout Troop 209 and Cub Scout Pack 321 who volunteer at the Fry.  Some years back we agreed to provide a portion of the profits from the Fry to the Citizens Assisting the Police of Apex – CAPA for their support and participation in the event. The Lions also look to support a local need.  This year that was an easy find.

Tray Cromwell, a grandson of Apex Lions Carl and Linda, was our choice.  Tray is 25 years old and first came to the Lions when he challenged our Club to support the Apex Skateboard Park Project.  He was a tenacious young man who wanted the town’s youth to have a safe and approved place to ride. He had a passion that led the Apex Lions to make a $ 5,000 contribution to the Park.  Now, Tray is facing a battle for his life.  A few months back he was diagnosed with ALS, more commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.  A disease normally experienced by middle-aged individuals. 

It is our goal to raise as much money as possible to offset the growing medical bills from Tray’s battle.  There are several ways you can help with this project. 1- Come eat fish.  The Lion’s share from the event will go to Tray’s Fund. 2- Donations can be made directly to Tray through the Apex Lions Charitable Fund, a 501c3 tax-deductible fund.  Go To ApexLions.Org to learn more donate there.     3-  At the door on April 5 there will be a container set up to collect donations. 

Come meet Tray and his family who will be working at the Fish Fry.  We also ask for your prayers for Tray and his family as they go down the ALS road.  It will not be an easy path.  Please join the Lions in this effort.

Where:  C. C. Jones Building    309 Holleman St ( Community Center )  Apex, NC

When:  April 5, 2024    11 AM – 6:30 PM   Eat in or Take Out

Tickets: Adult $ 14 – all you care to eat (inside only)    Kids plate  $ 6  (Under 6 years)

     Tickets may be purchased online at    Or At The Door day of the event.


                                                            LIONS  WE  SERVE APEX

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