Advance Apex is program to improve major thoroughfares over the next 5 years in Apex but yet keep the small town charm while continuing to grow.
Funded Projects ‘Roadway’. The following road will be improved:
- Apex Pkwy SW Connector begins ~2020
- NC 55 Widening begins ~2021
- US 64 improvements begins ~2022
- Ten/Ten widening begins ~2023
Transit Projects
- Holly Springs – Cary Express (HSX)
- Route 305 (Apex to Raleigh) changes
- Route 311 (Apex to RTP) changes
- Downtown enhanced transfer point
- Bus stop improvements
- James Street to Downtown
- Apex Barbecue Road and Kelly Road
- Beaver Creek Greenway
- Middle Creek Greenway
- Safe routes to school – multiple projects (High visibility crosswalks at Laurel Park ES and Apex Friendship HS, Multi-use path at Apex Friendship HS and Scotts Ridge ES)
Some additional Long Range Plans
- Go Forward – A community investment in Transit
- Southwest Area Study 2018
- Downtown Apex Master Plan & Parking Study
And for dessert we had a pudding competition. I am told it was both comical and tasty!
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