Apex Lions Club Presents $2,000 Check to Canine Program

By | May 18, 2018


Lion Horace with Apex PDThe Apex Police Department held its annual awards ceremony on May 17, 2018. During the awards ceremony Lion Horace Johnson presented the Department’s Canine program with a check for $2,000 which was raised during the Apex Lion’s Club annual Fish Fry. The funds will be used for bullet proof vests for both Rocky and Zeus.
Apex Police Chief Letteney said: “We are extremely grateful to the Apex Lions Club for their generous donation.”

Lion Horace Johnson presenting to the Apex Police DepartmentYes, the proceeds from this years Fish Fry in March were split between Camp Dogwood – the camp for the blind which is owned and operated by the North Carolina Lions and the Apex Police Canine Unit.  This past Thursday night Lion Horace Johnson attended the Annual Police Awards Ceremony to present the check for $2,000.  Rocky and Zeus have become a valuable resource not just in Apex but to surrounding  area police departments as well.  WRAL was there to do a story about a seven year old boy battling cancer that the Apex PD has “adopted”.  You can view that video online here.

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