A New Lion

By | December 8, 2013

JimWitekInstallationFor our first meeting in December we had a few different speakers who each had to cancel for one reason or another.  Consequently, Lion PDG Wayne Faber brought us a video of Lionism called “Champions Of Change” which showed some of the things that Lions do around the world to help people.  As it turned out, this was probably an appropriate program for us because it is good to step back once in a while and get some perspective about what we are doing as an organization and how we fit into the big picure.  And this is most helpful for our newest members who may not have been exposed to the big picture yet.  Speaking of which, we also had the opportunity to install our newest member.  Lion Jim Witek is pictured on the left being pinned by his sponsor, Lion Hamilton Martin and Lion PDG Wayne Faber is in the center.