Olive Chapel Elementary Assistance

By | October 7, 2022
Lion Joe and Mrs. Lewis

After hearing of The Apex Limited Lions (ALL) members supplying snacks and supplies for the underprivileged students attending Salem Elementary School, one of our Board Members was contacted by Candice Lewis, Counselor, of Olive Chapel Elementary School inquiring if we would consider helping their students, too.

Conversation started between the ALL group and Ms. Lewis. After learning that the school teachers were buying snacks for their students who could not afford to buy their own, the Apex Lions Board voted to provide funds to support this project at this Olive Chapel Elementary school as well.

In late September Lions Joe Salvas and Carl Cromwell purchased and delivered a stash of snacks to Ms. Lewis. With the club’s help, today we are providing morning and afternoon snack to approximately 40 underprivileged students per week thus saving the dedicated teachers from spending their own monies.

Apex Lions – Loving Individuals Offering Needed Services! We Serve!

Nice “Thank you” tweet with a photo of Lions Joe and Carl delivering snacks

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