Long Time Coming

By | April 18, 2015
Lion Paul Dean pinned by Lion Horace Johnson

Lion Paul Dean pinned by Lion Horace Johnson

This evening we installed a new member to the Apex Lions Club. Paul Dean is a long time scouting dad with our very own Troop 209. He is currently an assistant scout master, in fact. Through his involvement in scouting over the years, he has know Lion Horace Johnson for a very long time. Paul has also assisted the Apex Lions Club at our North Carolina State Fair Booth and Fish Fry events in the past. And now, we are proud to call him Lion Paul since he has decided to join our club. We have been looking for an official scout liaison for a while and now we may have found the right guy for the job! Lion Paul also works with a ministry in his church that helps people who are unemployed and under-employed find jobs. He invited the Lions to participate if needed and also requested to be notified if we know of any companies who are hiring right now. Please join me in welcoming Lion Paul o the Apex Lions Club!

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