Lion Glenn Day, District 31S Chair for Sight & Hearing Conservation was our guest speaker this evening. He is also a member of the Wake Forest Lions Club. Lion Glenn started off by recalling the pillars of Lion programs which include Diabetes, Vision, Hunger, Environment and Child Cancer and shared with us some important dates for these programs.
He also shared some fascinating statistics about North Carolina Lions. Did you know that over the past three years…
477,722 pairs of eyeglasses were recycled providing improved vision to thousands of individuals?
38,155 individuals received examinations at the mobile screening unit?
6,017 pairs of eyeglasses were purchased by Lions clubs for individuals in need?
2,001 blind and visually impaired campers attended Camp Dogwood for a week?
3,108 eye examinations were provided by Lions clubs?
3,759 support and mobility canes were given to visually impaired and blind people?
41 sighted students of visually impaired parents received educational grants from North Carolina Lions?
Those are some statistics that we should all be very proud of and should remind us of just how important our work as Lions is!
Finally, he proceeded to tell us about the many different programs that we support both financially and through volunteerism. There were too many for me to take notes! And he reminded us that even for those of us who can see and hear we need to take care of our eye and hearing health. It is important to get regular checkups annually to become aware of any issues as early as possible. Often times the earlier issues are found the better they can be treated. That is also a reminder of how important it is for us to provide these screenings like we do for the public for free every chance we get.
The Apex Lions Club has our own vision screening camera and are happy to use it to provide free screenings at events like Apex Peakfest and Apex National Night Out every year.
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