The Apex Lions club has teamed with CAPA (Citizens Assisting Police of Apex) to host the Apex Lions Annual Fish Fry. This is a long standing event to raise funds to go back into the community of Apex. That tradition will continue. Both the Lions and CAPA strive to make Apex A Better Place to Live.
The Apex Lions Annual Fish Fry will be held on April 21, 2023 at the CC Jones Community Center at 309 Holleman St in Apex. The event will begin Serving at 11 AM and end at 7 PM. Check our web page for more details on the upcoming event or
This will be an Eat In or Take Out event. We plan to have inside dining as well as inside takeout and outside drive by pick up for Online Orders. Order online at and if you order online on or before April 6th there is a $1 discount on each adult plate.
Plates will consist of: Fried Fish, Homemade Coleslaw, Boiled Potatoes, Hush puppies and a drink. Cost will be $14 Eat In or Take Out. Desserts will be sold Inside.
Kids Plate will be available at $ 6 and will have the option of Hot Dog or fish with hush puppies and boiled potatoes and a sweet treat. Age under 6.
Please come join this long standing annual event. Help make Apex A Better Place to Live.
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