Past District Governor Steve McLaurin (left) and Past International Director Lacy Presnell (right) present Lion John Lynde with a VIP Ambassador award
On Saturday, July 28 at the Pilot Lions Club we celebrated the 2017-2018 club year with our awards banquet. Immediate Past District Governor Steve McLaurin shared some of his experiences and thanked the team for all the hard work that was done this past year. It was a very good year for our district in many ways. Many awards were given to hard working Lions in the district. Past International Director, Lacy Presnell assisted with the awards presentations.
Afterwards, we switched gears and the 2018-2019 cabinet, officers and committee chairs were installed by current International Director, Gwen White. Gwen shared some funny stories, gave lots of encouragement but also reminded us of our mission and that we need to continue the good work that has been started. Finally, District Governor Nathan Medlin gave a brief welcome statement and the new year has already begun!
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