Salem Elementary Backpack Buddies

By | August 31, 2022

This past year members of the Apex Lions Club who have mobility issues and cannot do some of the projects of the club, such as the NC Fair Booth, started looking for new ways to serve our community. These members have become to be known as ALL, Apex Limited Lions.

One of the many considerations was for helping underprivileged children with meals when they were not in attendance at school, or better known as Backpack Buddies. Contact was made to several elementary schools that serve the Apex area and the suggestion was made of serving the children in need with snacks for mid morning and mid afternoon and possible achievement awards. The first school that wanted to participate in this was Salem Elementary School.

Our first delivery to Salem Elementary was in June and this developed into a better understanding by the staff of what APex Lions are and how we serve. We were told of a second grade student who had broken his Medicare supplied glasses and they would not fix or replace them for a year. Our Lions Club came to the rescue and supplies a better quality of glasses to this student.

This past week we made our second delivery of snacks and lunch bags/boxes as seen in the picture with some of our ALL members.

It is a pleasure to give back to our community and help those in need and especially the younger ones in need.

Apex Lions-We Serve