Past District Governor Lion Sandy Scarlett performs the Installation ceremony for this years incoming officers.
Thursday, June 21st was Officer Installation night. This is the meeting where the club officers for the upcoming year are properly installed with an official ceremony. Our incoming president, Past District Governor Wayne Faber asked Past District Governor Sandy Scarlett from the Durham Lions Club to perform our installation ceremony and she graciously accepted and brought along her husband Lion Wes with her.
We also had the privilege to present three more of our six scholarship recipients this year with their checks and get to know a bit more about them. DJ Lah is pictured here with his parents. DJ will be attending UNC Charlotte to study Computer Science.
Ayana Kearney is pictured here with her mom and her sister. Ayana will also be attending UNC Charlotte and will be pursuing a degree in Nursing.
Finally, pictured here is Katie Weagel with her mom. Katie will be attending East Carolina University this fall to study Health Services Management.
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