2018 Apex Lions / Apex High School Relays

What a great day working the Apex Lions Relays. The Apex Lions Club partnered with Apex High School back in 1979 to create the Relays for area schools to compete in. This year 44 schools from around the area participated. The teens we met were so polite and excited to be apart of the event!… Read More »

Apex Economic Development

Joanna Helms, Economic Development Director for the Town of Apex was our special guest speaker this evening.  Prior to being hired as the first Economic Development Director in Apex Joanna spent 21 years doing the job in Goldsboro.  But since she grew up in Apex and even attended Apex High School she was ready to… Read More »

Donation To Camp Dogwood

This years Fish Fry proceeds were allocated in part to Camp Dogwood.  Camp Dogwood is a camp for the blind on Lake Norman which is owned and operated by North Carolina Lions, Inc.  Lions and clubs from all across North Carolina contribute to maintain this amazing facility and service for the blind. Thanks to the… Read More »

Western Wake Crisis Ministry Update

This evening we were blessed with a follow-up visit by Beth Bordeaux, Executive Director of Western Wake Crisis Ministry.  This year is the 35th anniversary for WWCM and in July Beth will celebrate her first year on staff.  About a year before Beth was brought in the board of directors met and re-wrote the mission… Read More »

Eye Screenings at the Apex Senior Health Fair 2018

Once again this year the Apex Lions Club provided free eye screenings at the Apex Senior Health Fair.  We were so busy we did not have time to take pictures.  All told, we did a total of 59 screenings in a three hour period.  Many thanks to the members who participated and volunteered their time!

Lions Everywhere!

Every year the Apex Lions Club hosts a joint meeting with the Fuquay-Varina Lions Club because we sponsored them many (over 75, actually) years ago. This past year we also sponsored the Wake Southwest Centennial (Holly Springs) Lions Club as well. So we invited them to the joint meeting, too. And we were “prowled” by… Read More »

Fish Fry – March 16, 2018

The Apex Lions Clubs annual Fish Fry will be held on March 16 this year.  The C C Jones building located at 309 Holleman Street in downtown Apex provides a great site for our annual fund raising event. Serving will be from 11:00 am until 7:00 PM. You can come in sit down to enjoy… Read More »

Blue Lights College

Last month we missed both of our regular meetings due to snow.  This month we made up for lost time! We began our meeting by installing a new member.  Lion Kathy Faber is the daughter of Lion Barbara Faber, Lion Gil Faber (deceased) and sister of Past District Governor Wayne Faber who had the honor… Read More »

Deja Vu All Over Again

For the second time this month we have to cancel our meeting due to snow!  Hopefully we will be able to meet on the first Thursday in February!!  Stay safe and warm between now and then.  

No Meeting Tonight!

Well, it does not take much snow to wreak havoc around this part of the country!  But with bitter cold temperatures and snow all over the roads, we have decided to cancel the meeting for this evening.  Please keep warm and rest up for next meeting!