One Step Healing

By | January 19, 2020
Pastor Kevin O'Brien
Pastor Kevin O’Brien

Our guest speaker for this evening was Pastor Kevin O’Brien from One Step Healing Ministry.  He is celebrating 25 years of sobriety this year and came to share with us the story of how he got sober but more importantly how is has been healed of alcoholism by the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  

Kevin shared the story of how he hit rock bottom and finally got sober in 1996.  Although he was sober and learned about the “12 Step Plan” he never really felt connected to the message and struggled with the idea of forever considering himself a recovering alcoholic.  He was fortunate enough to meet some good Christian men who mentored him and encouraged him to develop his own faith.  Later he also came to know about “Celebrate Recovery” which is also a “12 Step Plan” but is faith based.  Still, the message did not feel right.  In time, through bible study, prayer, and mentorship the Holy Spirit revealed the “One Step Plan” to this group of brothers.  This plan offers a whole new level of hope because it is based on the belief that a person can be truly healed by faith in Jesus.  One can become a disciple instead of a recovering addict.  

What stared out as a an 8 person group meeting initially about alcohol addition has grown to approximately 40 people and expanded to all forms of addictions as well as financial, marriage and whatever other kind of healing is needed.  The ministry also partners with many other organizations to get additional help as needed.  Kevin acknowledged that none of this would have been possible if not having been lead by the Holy Spirit and he asked for continued prayer for those being helped through this ministry.

In his own words:  “I spent the first half of my adult life in bondage to an addiction to alcohol. In 1996, facing the very real prospect of losing my family, I received the clinical help that I needed in order to get sober. Even though I gained my sobriety, I kept an unhealthy distance from God and for the following 10 years I drifted. My sin nature remained in control.

In 2007, I recommitted my life to Jesus Christ and everything changed. God provided healing to me and my family. Addiction no longer defined me and God revealed His wonderful plan for my life. I was given the opportunity to share Jesus Christ with other brothers and sisters struggling in addiction and, thanks to the Holy Spirit’s gift of the One Step Ministry, I can now show them the great promise of healing and redemption found through an abiding faith in Jesus.”

One Step meets every Thursday night at Apex Baptist Church.  For more information visit