Apex Community Risk Reduction Coordinator

By | September 7, 2023

The Apex Fire Department has a new position called the “Community Risk Reduction Coordinator”. And our guest speaker this evening was Courtney Butler, the very first person to fill this position.

Courtney has a background in sports marketing where she once worked in professional wrestling marketing when she lived in Connecticut. But she decided that when her family moved to Apex she wanted to get out from behind a desk. So she went through the training and became a higher fighter in the Apex Fire Department!

After working the truck for several years, she has now taken this new position which will allow her to use her knowledge as a fire fighter as well as her marketing skills. In this new role she will take an “All Hazards Approach” to work to prevent or mitigate all potential hazards. She will look through historical data of calls in recent years to identify common preventable situations and then create education programs and a plan to administer this education.

Initially she will work with school systems but eventually the plan will be to work with other organizations and businesses as well. The goal will be to educate people about how to mitigate or prevent problems which result in calls to the fire department. We wish Courtney well and hope that this plan works out in the long term!

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