2017 Fish Fry Re-cap

By | March 19, 2017
2017 Fish Fry

2017 Fish Fry

The 2017 Apex Lions Club fish fry was a success for our community.  Thanks to all who took time to eat with us on St Patrick’s day.  To all our volunteers from CAPA, BOY SCOUTS and PANTHER CREEK LEO’S who joined with our LIONS, we thank you.

We fed over 700 people during the course of the day.  Competing with all the other holiday activities going on, we feel this was a strong showing.  Funds raised will for sure give little Amber the support she needs for her next big eye challenge.
Again, to all who came out to eat with us and everyone who gave their time to work we appreciate your support.
Lions Horace & Joe’L
Fish Fry Project Leads

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