Last October we sent some needed items and money to the Lake Lure Lions Club to help them in the Hurricane Helene recovery effort. A week ago we got a very nice “Thank You” letter back. The letter detailed the things that their club used the money and supplies for as well as how they used donations from other clubs as well. Some came from as far away as Wisconsin! It’s so encouraging to hear about how we as Lions make a difference. One of my favorite parts of the letter was the last paragraph which said:
As the saying goes, “Where there is a need, there is a Lion.” We could not thank you enough. Your gift was especially heartwarming and spurred us into action. Thank you!! If you are in the Lake Lure area the second Thursday of the month, please stop by our Lions Club meeting. We’d love to have you visit.
We know the recovery will take years. Let’s all try to remember our neighbors in Western North Carolina and continue to support them as the deal with rebuilding their homes, towns and lives.

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