Who are we?
We are a group of volunteers who want to make a positive impact on people not just in our local community of Apex, North Carolina, but also on a more global scale. As members of the Apex Lions Club we can do just that through a combination of service projects and fund raisers which support local needs as well as providing support for global causes.
Lions Clubs are structured so that each local club can plan service projects that meet immediate local needs and raise funds that can be used either for local needs or aggregated together with funds from other local clubs to meet larger needs.
For example, in Apex we are part of District 31-S which is one of five in North Carolina. District 31-S is comprised of clubs between Apex, NC and the NC coast. At the district level, all of the clubs contribute to support programs like the VIP Fishing Tournament.
And all of the districts in North Carolina form Multiple District 31 at the state level. This state level organization (also called “NC Lions, Inc.”) owns and operates Camp Dogwood for the Blind and partners with Boys & Girls Homes of North Carolina among other things.
Finally, at the highest level of aggregation we have Lions Clubs International (LCI). Lions Clubs International is the Global Leader in Humanitarian Service. There are so many programs at this level that it is very difficult to list them all, but to mention just a few:
- Eyeglass Recycling
- Clinical Eye Research
- Disaster Relief
- Diabetes Awareness
- Leader Dogs
At all levels of Lionism volunteers are utilized as much as possible and staff is kept to a minimum. The Apex Lions Club has no paid staff and all members pay modest quarterly dues to cover most of the administrative costs of running the club.
In summary, the Apex Lions Club focuses its attention primarily on the needs in Apex, North Carolina but we also support global humanitarianism through donations of a portion of our fundraising proceeds to the larger Lions Clubs organizations such as NC Lions, Inc. and Lions Clubs International.
If you want to make a difference in people’s lives both locally and globally please consider joining us! For more information about how to get involved, click here.