This evening we had a speaker join us from out of town. Robert Luisana drove in from Greensboro and brought his son John to assist with the slides.
Rob Luisana graduated from East Carolina University, in 1973, where he was Student Body President. He is a former Guilford County teacher and basketball coach, as well as serving as President of the North Carolina Association Educators for Guilford County Schools, 1981- 83. He has worked as a health insurance broker and consultant for the past 35 years, working with corporations and individuals on all aspects of healthcare and insurance. Over the past five years, he has beena frequent presenter on healthcare issues, including NPR and Politico. Among his activities, he is captain of the Guilford County, Senior Games Basketball Team….. “Deadmen Dribbling” Rob is married to Karen, an antique dealer and showroom director. They have two grown boys and four grandchildren.
This was his first “in person” presentation in the past year and a half and he was very happy about the opportunity to join us. This was an interactive and educational discussion about healthcare history, issues, challenges and opportunities. The title really did match the presentation well. And it was entertaining and funny as well which made it that much more enjoyable. Things have changed quite a bit in the healthcare world since he started in the business in 1985. Back then the average monthly premium was $70 and the deductibles were in the $100 to $200 range. Currently the average monthly premium is $600 and the deductible is approximately $2,500. Some of our members were in the healthcare or insurance business so there was a great deal of interaction and some really good questions asked and discussed.
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